Отзывы международных студентов о школе Monte Rosa, Швейцария



Во время посещения школы Monte Rosa Montreux, Switzerland я пообщалась с международными студентами и все они ответили на вопросы моего интервью. Интервью на английском, так как девочки были с Аргентины, Швейцарии и Саудовской Аравии. Публикую в оригинале.

мои собеседники: Samira, 18, Switzerland; Tala, 17, Saudi Arabia; Lara, 17, Argentina

Larysa: Why did you choose to study at this school. what it is like to be here.

Samira, 18, Switzerland: I chose this school because it has a limited number of interns, which makes the leaning process much more individual. The team is supportive and caring. Furthermore, not all of the Swiss private schools offer the American high school diploma.

I feel very satisfied with my classes.

Tala, 17, Saudi Arabia: I chose to attend Institut Monte Rosa after a friend had decided to study here. Many members of my family also attended this school when they were my age. Monte Rosa’s setting is very useful because everything is near, airport, trains, etc… it also has a great view of the lake.

LaraWe have seven classes a day, which are forty five minutes each. We finish at 3:30 p.m. everyday. On Wednesdays, however we only have four classes in the morning and in the afternoon we do sports or go on excursions

Lara, 17, Argentina: I chose Monte Rosa because I came the year before as a Winter student and I really liked the school and the people. I also decided to come back to have the American High School diploma and be with the friends I had made the last year.

Larysa: How do you improve your language skills here in Switzerland.

Samira, 18, Switzerland: Though my English level was already good on arrival it certainly has managed to improve because I’m constantly speaking, reading and learning English. The classes are taught in English so it is important to have a good level in order to be able to keep up. French, German and Italian courses are possible as well as Spanish and Chinese on special requests.

Tala, 17, Saudi Arabia: My English has improved greatly, I’ve done an FCE class which is offered by the school to help improve our English. I’ve done the FCE, BEC, and SAT exams which helped me a lot. I’m studying English, French, and also thinking about taking Italian classes.

Larysa: What do you study at school and what are your plans for further education.

Samira, 18, Switzerland: After getting my High School Diploma, I will pursue my studies in New York. At this present moment I am not studying any Advanced Placement subjects but I do know it is harder than the High School Diploma. I will just take the High School Diploma and the SAT test.

Tala, 17, Saudi Arabia: After graduating from Monte Rosa, my plan is to study Counselling at Webster University, Geneva. In year 11, I’m taking Trigonometry, Literature, PSHE (Personal, social health education), History, Chemistry, Business and SAT. However I can take other subjects if I ask for them. I haven’t taken any AP classes this year, however if want to, I can ask the Head of Studies and they will be arranged. I’m taking the SAT test in June this year.

Lara, 17, Argentina: I plan to go to university, either in Geneva or London or America, but I am not sure which university yet. Now I study Algebra (trigonometry), English Literature, PSHE (Personal, social, health education), European History, Chemistry, Business and SAT Maths. We also have French, German, FCE, American history, Physics and many other subjects. I have not taken any AP courses, but if I want to, I could ask our Principal for them and we could have Advanced Placement courses. We will sit the SAT and the SAT subject test in Maths and English.

Larysa: What do you do after classes.

Samira, 18, Switzerland: During winter, we take part in lots of sports but most importantly skiing, which we usually do three times per week and is such a great experience that it feels more like a holiday camp than sports activity.

Some of us are also going to participate as actors in a school play, specifically a Mamma Mia musical.

Tala at Monte Rosa's Fashion & Talent show (on the left)Tala, 17, Saudi Arabia: I am participating in a drama performance of Mama Mia, we are still preparing for it. I also participate in the end of year fashion show where some students wear traditional clothes and share information about their country and culture.

Lara, 17, Argentina: After classes we participate in activities like skiing, walking next to the lake, and even practicing for Mama Mia, a musical we are setting up. During the weekends we go to different places like Vevey or Lausanne. We also take weekend trips to places like Zurich and Paris

Lara skiing (on the left)

Larysa: What would you recommend for the families that are looking for boarding school in Switzerland.

SamiraSamira, 18, Switzerland: I think it depends on the needs of every family. They should choose whether they are must interested in the Swiss, French, British or American system or the International Baccalaureate as well as the orientation of the studies (Monte Rosa is more business oriented). It is preferable to visit the schools before making a decision. The child has to feel at ease in a safe and constructive environment.

Tala, 17, Saudi Arabia: If parents are thinking on sending their children to study in Switzerland, I would highly recommend Monte Rosa. Many people have improved in their studies and their social lives. Monte Rosa offers great education and all the students here accept each other like a part of their family.

Lara, 17, Argentina: I advise families that are looking into Swiss boarding schools to focus not only on the academics, and the extra-curricular activities, but also on whether their son/daughter is going to have a nice time and like being there.


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