Institut auf dem Rosenberg - the most prestigious school of Switzerland
The campus of school Rosenberg
Rosenberg School is quite large - about 300 students study here. The whole territory is buried in roses, in the courtyard roses were blooming even in February, when I arrived here. There are quite a few playgrounds - tennis courts and soccer/basketball courts. In winter, the emphasis is on alpine skiing, in summer on water sports, since St. Galen is located between Lake Constance and the Alps in the mountain region. The school residence consists of six houses, on the first floors of which there are classrooms, the upper floors - the school residence - three houses for girls and three houses for boys, surrounded by a park area. In addition, there are two more buildings - one school restaurant building and the second divides a library and a small studio room (used for dancing, aerobics and other sports activities that do not require a large room).
Since this is the outskirts of the city, the place is very safe, even for Switzerland, there are no high fences and gates, the campus is fenced with a cheerful low pink fence.
St. Galen is squeezed by high mountains in a small valley, some of the streets are located directly on mountain terraces, and the Rosenberg school occupies one of these upper terraces. The city center is very close, about 10 minutes walk along a long staircase that crosses the winding mountain streets. Going down is quick and easy, but it’s hard to get up without a car, schoolchildren return to campus by taxi.
The campus of Institut auf dem Rosenberg is home to about 260 people, in addition to this, about 40-day students study at the school, including German-speaking or Italian-speaking Swiss and international students who live in Sant Galena with their families.
Students live in rooms for 1 or 2 people. The standard price includes accommodation in a room for 2 with shared facilities, but for an additional fee, the school offers a single room or student room with en-Suite facilities.
The variety of programs Rosenberg, Switzerland
All educational systems known in Switzerland are taught at the Institute auf dem Rosenberg. These are the program of the American school High School Diploma (Advanced Placement), the program of the British school GCSEI and A-level, the program of the German school (German Abitur), the program of the Swiss school (Swiss Matura), the program of the Italian school (Italian Matura).
Russian-speaking students mainly choose the programs of the Anglo-American section, since studying at Matura or Abitur is much more difficult, requires high knowledge of German or Italian, and the study of three foreign languages. At the same time, there are ambitious students who want to continue their studies at public universities in Switzerland, Germany, or Italy. For this, as a rule, it is not enough to come to school for the last 2-3 years, especially if the child does not have confident knowledge of English and German or English or Italian, the languages in which the program of the Swiss, German and Italian sections is held. Usually, these programs are chosen either by Germans / Italians / Swiss or by children who studied in Switzerland from at least 6-7 grades.
Summer programs in Rosenberg
From late July to mid-August, Institut auf dem Rosenberg accepts students aged 14-20 for summer programs in English, French or German. Programs are quite expensive for Swiss summer camps, but the Ariana camp at Institut auf dem Rosenberg is one of the most elite summer deals. The language teaching here is quite high-quality, in addition, those who choose German can take training in mathematics. The Institut auf dem Rosenberg summer program is the best opportunity to experience school if you are considering education in private schools in Switzerland and in Rosenberg itself. The sports and entertainment program here is also very elite, you will have to pay extra for many classes, but everyone remains 100% satisfied, while half of the students decide to stay for the academic program right during the summer. With sufficient academic performance and the level of a foreign language, problems with enrollment and changing the status of a visa in early August usually also do not arise, the main thing here is that everyone works quickly - parents, agency, school.
Russian students at the Rosenberg School, Switzerland.
Despite the fact that more than half of the local students study at the school, Institut aum def Rosenberg is overcrowded with Russians. More than 50% of all students living at the boarding house are Russian-speaking. During my inspection of the school, I constantly met them. When I entered the ballet class, 3 girls were practicing near the barn under the supervision of a teacher. I asked the teacher in English if she didn’t mind that I entered the class, after which she asked the girls in pure Russian to show me some figures. On leaving school, I ran into high school students who got out of the taxi with purchases and talked to each other in Russian.
During interviews with Russian and Ukrainian students, they unequivocally answered the question "why is this school" - because all the friends of our family consider this school the most prestigious, very many graduated from this particular school, this school helps to make the necessary acquaintances while still in school. age.
On the one hand, it is inconvenient when you expect a child in a foreign school to be in an international environment. On the other hand, Russian-speaking children are very comfortable here, as they have an international environment and many friends with whom they share the same culture and language. So choose what is more important to you.
Rosenberg success story
Although studying in Swiss schools is very comfortable, Rosenberg is located very close to the German border and here the German approach to work and study prevails. Children are taught to work in order to live. The philosophy of the school says that in order to enjoy life you need to work hard and be successful. The school boasts of its students who graduated from Oxford, Harvard and the top-rated universities in Switzerland, Italy, Germany.