Eton Square primary school London



The opinion of Marina Neklyudova about attending day primary school Eton Square Primary School London

On a rainy day of November, I visited London private school Eton Square School.
Eton Square School consists of two parts: the Kindergarten (Nursery), which is located at the north side from Hyde Park and elementary school, which is located in an old Victorian building on the South side of the Park, opposite the Natural history Museum.

Eton Square Nursery ( from 3 to 5 years)

The entrance to the garden, where kids are engaged from three to five years, is fenced with heavy gates, with CCTV cameras on it - just will not go there.
Already in kindergarten children begin to wear, from sweaters and skirts to coats and hats. In kindergarten children do all day: they learn to perceive the phonetic sounds to the ear, to recognize letters and to beat life situations (e.g. visiting the doctor). At the time of visit in the garden was occupied by 40 of the 70 possible locations, which means that if you are not able to wait a year in order to enroll a child in one of the famous London gardens, Eton Square Nursery can be one of the options, which you'll be able to seriously consider.

One of the advantages of the kindergarten I want to note:

  • central location
  • good security
  • classes in English as a foreign language
  • a message from the elementary school (if you're taking the youngest child in the manger, a senior-there will be taken on a school bus and drive to support teachers in primary school)
  • the possibility of extended day for an additional fee (not before 15:30 and 18:30)
  • the presence of a chef who prepares fresh food for the children daily
  • subject to availability.

Of the minuses: I don't know what I was expecting, but the premises of the kindergarten did not impress me. Given the central location and very big, after all, the cost of these nurseries (almost £ 5,000 per term), the premises of this garden leave much to be desired. The impression that we are someone in the backyard, where someone is very enterprising, decided to organize a garden out of unused space.

Eton Square Primary School (from 5 to 11 years)


Unlike a visit to a kindergarten, primary school attendance had made a very favorable impression. Despite its relatively modest size, and can be, and thanks to them (the school only 80 students, on average, 16 per class), the school will give you the atmosphere of friendliness and security. That children feel comfortable, it becomes apparent from the way they communicate with the headmistress, who, incidentally, knows all the kids by name. To the question "who wants to show what you did today" to the sky, in the sky, a bunch of hands, and some of the kids already Bouncing with impatience.

School program

During the visit, it quickly became clear that the school attaches great importance to mathematics. Very impressed with seven-year-old kids, some of whom showed their notebooks in which they divide two-digit numbers and put in a column of the three-digit amount. English is also given due attention. To develop the talents of future writers in the school has an English club, the latter which interviews with victims of Hiroshima, which took place in the House of Commons the Palace of Westminster. The pupils of the school who conducted the interview only 11 years old.

In addition to classes in math and English, children study history, geography and science, music, singing, and drawing, once a week go to the pool, engaged in various sports. Because across the road from the school are the famous London museums such as the Natural history Museum, Science Museum, and the Museum of Applied Arts, Victoria and Albert - many classes are held in museums. Children are also taught socially responsible life, and in the older grades, conduct the political debate. In addition, the curriculum includes the study of French and Chinese languages as well as Latin.

For monitoring the progress of school children using the Internet technologies that allow parents not only to monitor the weekly progress of their children but also to engage with them further, depending on the needs of the child.


In addition to the obligatory school program school, Eton Square School offers students to participate in various clubs after school programs. Among them: classes in karate and dance, coding and engineering, lessons, ballet, Chelsea Ballet School, classes in Spanish and Arabic, yoga, art, design, and fencing and even horse riding (pony trekking) in the summer semester. The clubs are paid, but their cost, on average, 125 pounds per trimester. The exception is horse riding, which costs 80 pounds for two-hour sessions.


Like any self-respecting private school, Eton Square School works with a professional chef, which is a daily menu, which is based on simple, tasty, healthy and balanced meals. The school takes into account all possible allergies children, Allergy sufferers even sit at different tables that the child accidentally came into contact with the allergens, eat the food of a neighbor. Children freshly prepared food, salads and fruit.
Interestingly, the school strive to develop the taste palette of children and conducts regular small tasting sessions, during which children can meet strange combination of food: for example, sweet and sour dishes, or try the famous food from other cultures, such as soup.


Most of the school liked the attention to detail and the relationship between the school and the children. The students of the school formed the Committee on the self-government of the school. The Committee makes various proposals which are then considered by the school administration – so that children are not only drawn into active participation in society, but learn to make decisions and act for the benefit of the public.
Hyde Park School encourages good behavior with praise, stars, and "the apples of kindness" that glue to a big tree in the hall with the student's name and credit, for example: "hugged and comforted a friend who was very worried". However, in case of bad mood school lives pet rabbits which the kids can hug. The rabbit is very loved by all students and follows all heels. On weekends visitors can take the Bunny home.

The school has also ensured that the children could share their concerns with a special "box alarm", which is emptied once a week. Anxiety children learn to sort by the measure of their anxiety, use of green paper symbolizes small problems, yellow – something alarming, and the red writing that much care. So, after the terrorist attacks in Paris, many children were devastated and left messages alarms relating to safety. The school addressed the excitement of children on one of the weekly open assemblies where children are not just reassuring and told them that they can do to protect yourself.

Finally, I want to underline the attention paid to creating a safe learning environment is achieved primarily by the respect for the child, abuse the child on equal terms and by such methods as children's self-esteem. So, classes in mathematics, the children begin with small tests, which they then check themselves. This teaches children to control themselves and helps to avoid the public humiliation of the child in the case of low result and depression, which can cause the child's aversion to school and learning.

Graduates of the school Eton Park Primary School continue teaching in the partner Eaton Square high school, located in Kensington or go to another day or boarding school.

If you are interested in this school and you want to receive more information on admission, you can request a free callback via our contact form.


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