How to pass the SSAT
SSAT test for admission to schools of North America
Are you dreaming of studying at one of the prestigious US universities? Even the legendary Harvard or Princeton is quite real to get! To do this, you need to pass a standardized test for admission to US universities, which assesses the general level of knowledge of the applicant, the so-called Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT).
The success of the test depends on the quality of the preparation. The mathematical part of the assignment can be given easier than the written one.
What is the structure of the SAT exam?
The test was developed in 1901, but since the second half of the 20th century, it has become more popular in the northern United States and coastal colleges. In the West and South of the United States, another test, the American College Testing (ACT), has become more popular since the 1960s.
There are two types of SAT: the general SAT Reasoning Test and the narrowly subject SAT Subject Test. Until 2004, the names contained Roman numerals (Sat I and SAT II), but then they were canceled.
Three types of assignments - the structure of the SAT Reasoning Test:
- Text analysis: reading excerpts from specialized texts (humanities, social, natural sciences), as well as answering questions about the meaning and analyzing the structure of sentences.
- Mathematics (algebra, geometry, understanding graphs and charts, statistics): tasks in the test form. Since 1994, the use of calculators has been allowed on the exam.
- Writing (tests and essays): In the first part, you need to look for errors in the texts, break the latter into paragraphs and paragraphs, and logically supplement sentences. The second part - an essay on a topic with philosophical overtones - is allocated 25 minutes. Ratio of results: 70% / 30%.
Duration of the SAT is 3 hours 45 minutes: the first two parts of the SAT are allocated 70 minutes each, the "Letter" - 60 minutes, the rest of the time - for organizational matters.
Why are subject tests needed?
Colleges and universities want to know how deep the knowledge of applicants in specific disciplines is. As a rule, the applicant is required to have the results of the general test SAT Reasoning Test and the results of two more subject SAT Subject Test (clearly defined or at the choice of the applicant).
Subject tests last 60 minutes and can be in the following disciplines:
- History of the USA and the World;
- English language and literature;
- Mathematics (two levels of difficulty);
- Natural Sciences;
- Foreign language (including Japanese, Chinese, Yiddish, and Latin).
What does the SAT score consist of?
- SAT Reasoning Test: Each of the three parts of the test is scored from 200 to 800 points. An essay can receive a maximum of 12 points.
- SAT Subject Test: the same 200-800 points, but there is an opportunity to get additional points - from 20 to 80. For example, in tests in a foreign language, such points are awarded for listening.
Estimates will be announced in 20 days.
The results are reviewed by American colleges and universities. The passing score, respectively, may be different. But even if the first time the standardized test for admission to US universities was not passed well enough, it can be retaken, and more than once.
When is the SAT tested and how to prepare for it?
You can take SAT monthly from October to January, as well as in March / April, May, June. An applicant can write either an SAT Reasoning Test or three SAT Subject Tests. If you take more than three specialized disciplines, you will have to pay extra for the "additional" ones.
The cost of passing the SAT for foreigners is $ 75.
You can try to take the test without proper preparation, based on your knowledge and knowing the test structure. But to pass the test successfully, you need appropriate preparation. The best preparation is given by graduating from a school in the United States or Canada. At the same time, if the student has high knowledge of English in all school subjects, you can prepare for the test during the short summer program.
What else affects admission to US universities?
In addition to the test results, the college or university will be interested in how the applicant studied at school, as well as his hobbies, extracurricular activities. In rare cases, an interview with a prospective student is required.