The role of parents in the educational process if the child studies at a foreign boarding school



Studying at overseas boarding schools has become a popular choice among parents seeking to provide their children with a high-quality education and international experience. These schools offer not only academic knowledge but also comprehensive development, providing students with comfortable conditions and full support in their studies. However, despite the fact that the child is far from home, the role of parents in his or her educational process remains very important. It has its own characteristics, depending on the specifics of this type of educational institution.

1. Emotional support and maintaining a connection with home

A child’s stay at a boarding school can be stressful, especially at the beginning. Separation from family, new environment, high academic demands – all this can cause a child to feel anxious and insecure. In such a situation, parents play a key role in providing emotional support. Even if they are physically absent, regular communication, correspondence, and video calls help the child to feel connected to home. This gives confidence that the family is always there, even at a distance.
Parents can also help the child adapt to the new environment by discussing their experiences, successes and difficulties with them. It is important to show an interest in the child’s school life, and participate in general school events held for parents, even if this means traveling to another country, especially in the first year, so that parents can get to know the school and understand the requirements for students.

2. Monitoring academic progress and support in learning

Although boarding schools have special mentors who monitor the progress of students, the role of parents in this process remains important. They should be aware of the child’s academic achievements, and interested in their successes and possible problems. Regular communication with teachers and school administration allows you to receive up-to-date information and promptly respond to any challenges that the child faces.
Foreign boarding schools usually provide parents with access to online platforms where they can track their child’s academic progress. This is a convenient tool for monitoring grades, participating in extracurricular activities, and communicating with teachers. If the child is experiencing learning difficulties, parents can arrange additional classes or tutors, even from a distance.
Do not transfer the monitoring of academic performance to an agency, understand the platform yourself, because only in this way will you be able to control and support your child’s success.

3. Development of independence and responsibility

One of the main goals of education in boarding schools is to develop independence and responsibility in children. Parents play an important role in this process, as they must help the child adapt to new requirements. It is important to gradually transfer responsibility for their own learning, time planning and decision-making to the child. This applies both to the child’s early preparation for the trip and to constant communication with the teachers and caregivers of the boarding school.

In supporting this process, parents should encourage the child to independently solve problems and make decisions, even if this means making mistakes. The ability to take responsibility for one’s actions is an important aspect of personal development, and parents can help the child develop these skills by providing support and recognizing their successes.

4. Supporting cultural adaptation and integration

Studying at a boarding school abroad means that the child is in a new cultural environment. It is important that parents support the process of cultural adaptation, helping the child integrate into the new environment. Support your child in their efforts to actively participate in the social life of the school, to expand their social circle with children from other countries, and to go on trips organized by schools.
Parents can also help their child maintain their own cultural identity by reminding them of the importance of their native language, traditions, and customs. This allows the child to remain true to their roots while integrating into a new environment.

5. Joint planning for the future

One of the important aspects of boarding school education is preparing for the future, in particular for entering higher education institutions. Parents play a key role in this process, helping their child decide on a profession, university, and career path. They can give advice based on their own experience, as well as help with preparing for entrance exams, writing motivation letters, and choosing appropriate courses.
Many boarding schools abroad have special career counselors who work with students, helping them identify their strengths and opportunities. However, the role of parents in this process remains indispensable, as they know their child better and can help them make an informed decision.

Studying at a boarding school abroad is a unique experience that requires independence and responsibility from the child. However, despite the physical distance, the role of parents in the educational process remains important and multifaceted. They provide emotional support, monitor academic success, facilitate cultural adaptation and help the child plan for his or her future. Active parental involvement in the life of a child studying at a boarding school is the key to his or her successful development and preparation for adult life.


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