When British schools have holidays



Studying calendar and holidays in British schools

Education in British schools is divided into three trimesters with long holidays at Christmas and Easter. The first trimester begins in early September and lasts until mid December. Second trimester of British schools runs from early January until the Easter holidays. And the third trimester begins after 2-week Easter holidays and last approximately until the end of June.

Additionally, in each term British schools have weekly semi-trimesеук vacations. They are around late October, mid February and late May.

Majority of schools have such a thing as "exeat weekend". This term means that several times during the school year, the staff of the whole school leaves for a weekend, including the staff who looks after the children in the dorms. Practically, this means that all students living in the boarding houses must leave the school on the Friday and return on Sunday evening. In the case of foreign students, it is likely that student spends this weekend with the guardian.

Holidays in Scottish schools

Scottish school also have trimesters and semi-trimesters, but the academic year starts early, around 20s of August. Spring break starts a week before Easter and ends one week after Easter.


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