International College or traditional school
International colleges in the UK
Why, with such a variety of traditional UK boarding schools international students often choose to study international college?
First of all we should mention that international colleges were established only for international students. It is for the family to decide is it good or not for their child to be in fully international surrounding. I just want to share what advantages and disadvantages I see.
Advantages of international schools
- High academic results achieved with a very close work between the teacher and the students (the class can be from 2 to 10 students)
- Programs aimed to overcome academic difference in education system of different countries.
- Flexible program start dates and individual learning plans for each student.
- Focus on quick English improvement.
- Cultural differences of different nationalities and their ability of perception of the material are taken into account.
- Staying in a 100% international environment has pros and cons. The positive aspect would be that when the child arrives he doesn't need to adjust to established group and new system of education. Instead the child falls into the group of foreign students, most of whom just arrived and who also not studied in the British system before.
Disadvantages of international colleges
- Staying in an international environment does not allow to integrate into the local society at school age, at a time when you make friends for life.
- International College is often restricted only to the school building, it does not have the same fatalities and infrastructure as a traditional school.
Actually, this is where the differences end.
What to choose: international College of traditional British school
My conclusion: the international College is perfect for senior students who have completed or have nearly completed school in their country and arrived in the UK only for rapid progression to prestigious University.
Children of 15-16 years old, especially the youngest, who still need comprehensive development and identifying outstanding talents, definitely more suitable for traditional boarding school which in addition to the infrastructure can offer the world's largest experience with children, foster healthy competition, are able to captivate the child and uncover new opportunities.