Boarding school Ecole de Tersac, France
French school in Bordeaux
I met with the representative of Ecole de Tersac, Mr. Bastien Gautier, during the international conference on study abroad ALPHE in September 2015 in London. Ecole de Tersac is a family business of the Gautier family.
Bastien Gautier develops the school's connections in the international market.
L: Tell us about the location of the school and residence.
In: The school is located between Bordeaux and Toulouse. Conveniently accessible from two international airports. This region is known for wine production and is therefore very touristy. Students come to our school either for short French programs, either for academic studies if they want to study in the French system. We have a very good summer program for learning French for children and many children choose our school after the summer program. Also, we accept foreign students to the French programme all year round for any period from 1 week or from 1 semester of study at school, if French is enough for schooling.
Ecole de Tersac is a school with a 50-year history and has been owned by my family for 20 years. It's a small school, which has 130 students, of which more than 40 are international. Classes are usually of 5-7 students, the largest class is 15 people. International students prefer accommodation in host families, as this helps them to learn French and experience the culture. We accept foreign students from 11 years old, the youngest foreign student of the school is 10 years old.
L: Where do your graduates go after graduating from school?
In: Some remain in private universities of France, as the education there is more prestigious and better. Also, they enter universities in Switzerland, the USA and England. Mainly choose private universities, although the French diploma along with the international test of English language which all our graduates take, allow them to enter any state university.