Elite Pathway program of Columbia International College in collaboration with University of Toronto
For many years my students were choosing Columbia International College to complete high school in Canada. That is why school representative was happy to participate at our exhibitions in Kiev and Lviv in February. For a long time I know all about the school, what are advantages and entrance requirements. My impressions after a visit to the campus can be found in the article "Why CIC is so popular?". This time we discussed a new Pathway program at Columbia International College, which was specially designed to prepare students for entry to one of the best universities in Canada – University of Toronto.
Find more in my interview with a representative of Columbia International College.
L: Please, tell me about this new Elite Pathway program.
R: We started the program in August 2017 in a partnership with the University of Toronto. The Elite Pathway program is designed for the best students in 11-12 grade to increase their chances for admission in highly ranked universities not only in Canada but also in the United States. The course takes place on our campus with visits to the University of Toronto where our students partisipate in joint events.
L: Why have you decided to do this program?
R: every year, about 300-400 CIC graduates go to the University of Toronto. The University is very satisfied with our graduates so they decided to create a joint program with CIC and facilitate our students with the admission process and choosing a specialty.
L: What are the criteria for admission to the Elite Pathway program?
R: the Program lasts 2 years, in 11 and 12 grades. International students can enter directly from their home school if they have proper results and English knowledge. But you have to understand that in the program there are best students not only in knowledge but also in motivation and leadership qualities. Last year we recruited children from our 10 grade but now we're recruiting best students from other schools in Ontario and international students. It's better to come to CIC in 10 or 9 grade to prepare for studying in English school and then enroll in grade 11 to the Pathway.
The program prepares students not only to the University of Toronto but also increases their chances to go to other ranked universities. The children accumulate an impressive resume as in addition to learning they have a lot of extra classes that are not in regular program. For example, Academic Strength which is a course of written English, courses on debate and presentations, preparing for IELTS. We make sure that children participate in the Olympiads in physics, mathematics, business. There are special workshops that help to determine the choice of specialization in University. Top universities in Canada and the United States are looking not only for academic success but also for social work of a student. Pathway students will participate in international projects, for example, might go to Ecuador to prepare their projects including planning, budgeting and marketing that will demonstrate their leadership skills and help to gain extra points for admission.
L: Do students in Elite Pathway study the same subjects as regular high school students?
R: Yes but they add a number of optional courses which I mentioned above. There are also program on career orientations which held at the University of Toronto, seminars with University professors, business Lunches with businessmen, training on leadership. For example, students of Pathway are required to get such programs as Model UN and Duke of Edinburgh whereas for regular high school students they are optional.
L: What are the benefits for graduates of the Elite Pathway program when they enroll in University of Toronto?
R: they get many advantages over other applicants such as Early Admission Offer and Priority Access. In addition, they have direct access to University representatives - registers if they need help or advice. At the University of Toronto there are about 100 majors to choose from and students will be consulted on all interested academic programs. Also our students will have a tour of the University Toronto campus and Campus Life Experience (they are going to live for several days on the campus to see and understand the atmosphere of University).
But the Pathway graduates are not required to apply only to the University of Toronto. With their resume they can go to Ivy League universities: Harvard, MIT, Yale. I would say that without this program they wouldn't have been even considered by such highly respected universities. Despite the fact that the child finishes school in Canada these universities are looking for interesting students who can bring something unusual on campus. In the standard school curriculum there is no much opportunities to give it all but since this is an intensive program it includes the necessary courses and social programs.
L: How many academic credits students get for the program?
R: 8 academic credits in grade 11 and 6 in grade 12.
L: Can graduates expect extra scholarshipfrom the University of Toronto?
R: We have an agreement with the University of Toronto – the best 3 students get extra 3 thousand dollar scholarship for tuition. Many of our graduates receive scholarships that covers tuition but the amount of the scholarship depend on the specialty and its cost, from partial to full scholarships to cover tuition and accommodation.
Columbia International College introduced the first program in cooperation with the University of Toronto that can really increase the chances of admission to one of the best universities in Canada and around the world. The program is strong, with intense training so students should not only know English but to be able to study in English. It is necessary to show excellent results on the Pathway program as on it depends the possibility of entrance to Top University and the opportunity to receive a scholarship.
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