What is boarding school ?



Private schools abroad

Salem Senior School campuses near Lake ConstanceEveryone knows that there are state and private schools in every country. In most countries the level of education received in public schools not less and sometimes even higher than in private. So why even consider secondary education in private schools if the word itself implies that such training is always paid?

First of all education in a private school is a matter of prestige. I don't mean that you are going to tell everyone you know that your child is in private school abroad (although there is much to tell). By prestige I mean the circle that you are able to provide for your child sending him to private school.

Private schools was originally conceived as a close community for a narrow elite stratum of society.  Only kids from  smart, intelligent and being able to make good money families could get there. These children themselves are smart, motivated and promising. Others such schools simply do not accept. That is why, if you care about the social circle in which your can stay at the very early age, try to prepare him for enrollment in a private school.


Schools where children live in residences which placed on the school grounds are called boarding schools.  

In fact, the concept of a boarding school is much deeper than the possibility of accommodation and meals on school grounds.

Such school is the whole life of the children who study there. A good private boarding school, which, by the way, the vast majority of them, knows how to develop in children any talent, interest in learning and discovering the world, the motivation to self-improvement, continuous development and achieving high goals. Very often the founders of the school allow all the income earned from tuition fees to be spent on school infrastructure, the restoration of buildings, buying new equipment and attracting very professional staff for the best development of their students.

Choosing a school, educated parents do not look at programs and ratings or size of the territory and the beauty of the buildings in which they can leave their children. They are more interested in study process,  globalization of the school, charity projects, in which their children will have to participate and develop leadership abilities.


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