

For whom the exchange program in the public schools of Germany designed?

The short program in the public schools of Germany also referred as the international exchange program, has been created for high school students of the age 14-18 who learn German to promote language learning and have deep experience in the culture of the country and studying in secondary schools of Germany.Despite the name "international exchange programme", the program does not provide free accommodation through the exchange of children between families and Nations. It means a cultural exchange,…
The program in public schools of Germany with GLS1727357947
Zinzendorfschulen is one of the largest and most prestigious schools in Germany. Here there are 950 students studying from 5th to 13th grade. The school allows to chose if a student wants to stay in middle school 8 or 9 years, which means each student chooses for how long he wants to study before graduating from high school.Zinzendorfschulen was opened in 1809 by Protestant Church.The school inherits the doctrine of the German philosopher Ludwig Zinzendorf, who even at that time believed that we should not clone children but need to develop their individuality.Even now the school…
Visit to Zinzendorfschulen1727358086
Internationalism swept over Europe and today, along with a large group of international recruiters, I have visited Schloss-Schule Kirchberg, which was the first to market German private schools for international agencies, trusting us to enroll students to the school.

International Department at Kirchberg school

Schloss-Schule Kirchberg is located in the small town of Kirchberg. The name of the school carries from 1916, when it was founded. Until 1956 the school was located on the grounds of the castle. 60 years ago the school moved into its modern campus, which is…
Visiting German schools. Schloss-Schule Kirchberg1727358237
My trip around German secondary schools and closer acquaintance with the management of Humboldt-Institut, which prepare international students for studying in German schools, inspired me to create several articles of what I have seen and learned. And although my journey is not over, I'm in a hurry to publish this article and share my enthusiasm with my readers!


Admission to secondary schools of Germany is aimed for highly motivated students from 14 years. Foreign students often enter the 10th grade of the German Gymnasium after…
Secondary schools in Germany1724176429
At the conference in Berlin I met a representative of the international boarding school in Germany – Berlin Brandenburg International School. For several years, we have partnered with this school and I know how difficult admission to the school was for our students at BBIS. The school is very popular among the Russian-speaking countries. Now, as admitted a representative of the school, they are interested in attracting students from Ukraine again, as a percentage of Russian-speaking students has decreased significantly.What caused the popularity of the Berlin Brandenburg International…

After two years of study at the American school in Salzburg Tanya decided to transfer to another school that will prepare her for entry to the best universities of Europe. For admission were selected schools in English in Germany, Austria and Scotland.For admission to schools of Austria and Germany, a personal visit and exams at school are required. The exams are quite complicated, even for advanced students it is difficult to take all exams at a new school. It's much easier to take exams in your home country in the office of the Agency that allowed by the schools of many…

Visit of school for the purpose of entry

Tanya has been studying at an American school in Salzburg for 2 years now. For the last two years of her study, her parents decided to transfer her to a school that has an IB program to provide Tanya with the best prospects for admission to universities.Previously, according to the results of her academic performance over the 2 years of study in Salzburg and recommendations from teachers, Tanya has been invited for the entrance examinations and interview at two schools in Germany and one school in Austria.All school visits were…
With both students we waited for the school's decision on those Russian-speaking students who entered earlier this year and came to the open day on March 10 to take entrance tests and interviews at Salem. At the same time, I knew that it was already very tense with places in the 10th grade, enrollment on a straight line at IB was more likely since there are always more places at IB.A week after March 10th, I called the admissions office to see if there were any vacancies for our two students based on the results of the last Open House at Salem. Much to my delight, both of my…

Härlen campus - Salem school.

Härlen is Salem's most modern campus, home to graduate students. Every student of the school dreams of getting into the Härlen campus, since, to the great regret of students, the campus does not accommodate all students.The two Salem International College campuses are located on the shores of Lake Constance in the town of Uberlingen, 5-7 minutes walk from each other.The Spetzgart Castle campus is intended for grade 11 students.When moving to grade 12, students change campus to Härlen.However,…

Life at Middle School Schloss Salem through the eyes of a student.

Meeting with a 10th grade student of the international Salem program Alexander from Kyiv helped me to understand better the life of international students. Sasha showed me the territory of the school, and we talked for a very long time about how was his addmission process, how the training proceeds, the daily routine, the peculiarity of lessons and extracurricular activities. Sasha is in school for the first year, but he has completely merged into the life and education system of Salem.Below is a detailed…