Successful admission to a boarding school abroad largely depends on careful preparation of documents and passing entrance exams. In this article, I will tell you how to properly organize preparation for this stage, what to pay special attention to, and share recommendations that will help ensure a successful start for your child in a new educational institution.1. Choosing a boarding school: first stepsApplications to boarding schools begin in September of the previous year. In some schools, places are filled very quickly, it also depends on the age of the students, since when…
Annually, the Department of education in the UK publishes the results of the final exams received by students in secondary and high schools across the country. The report lists more than 5,000 schools with the results of GCSE and 3,000 schools with the final grades at A-level. These data are used by publications to create rankings of the best British schools. Although many experts in the field of education does not recommend the use the results of the final exams for schools comparison, the ratings can be useful when choosing a school for your child.We will examine how rankings of schools…
If you decide to send your child to school abroad you have to approach this decision very seriously. You need to start with calling all the industry professionals and listen to their advice, learn the reviews of friends whose children are already studying abroad, ask Google. After that, you should choose the country and make a list of schools that suit you on the infrastructure, cost and results of graduates. But what to do next, how not to make a mistake with your choice, and to find the school that maximizes the talents of your child and will allow you not to worry about him tomorrow.For a…
Admission to London day schools with the help of an agent in the country
Today we will discuss the admission of children in British schools, if the whole family moves to live in the UK, particularly in London.Usually parents that get work in London know how difficult it might be to arrange the school or kindergarten for children, even if we are talking about the arrival of the youngest students to private schools in London. Typically, these families have the experience of acquaintances (friends or colleagues) who have moved before and went through the same painful process of…1376
During each consultation, I am asked the same question: which is the best age to start school abroad. In this article I give "pros" and "cons" for every age.
Pros:- parents don't need to worry that you might fail to graduate from high school;- you are more mature and prepared for independent life.Cons:- all the classmates go to University and you have to go back to school;- to finish school abroad, you need to study at least 2 years and it is a waste of time;-…1438
How to choose a school abroad for your child
Very often during the consultation on secondary schools abroad people ask me: "What happens if my child doesn't like the school after starting the program?"Yes, if he does not like, then this is a big problem. The child changed school and country, academic year has been started, fees for whole year has been paid, so much efforts spent on opening student visa and residence permit. Emotionally – this is very difficult decision for parents who do not know what is better, to put pressure on the child to try getting used to it, or…5172
A list of schools that I recommend for admission and list in my blogThe price provided based on graduation classes (Senior School) and includes tuition, accommodation, meals and social programme organised during academic year.The cost of education in Middle and Junior school is cheaper and is available upon request.The cost does not include: registration fee, security deposits,custodian, uniform, airport transfers, exams, school trips and accommodation during the holidays, individual lessons.
Schools in Austria
Amadeus International School, Vienna41.000…1157
International colleges in the UK
Why, with such a variety of traditional UK boarding schools international students often choose to study international college?First of all we should mention that international colleges were established only for international students. It is for the family to decide is it good or not for their child to be in fully international surrounding. I just want to share what advantages and disadvantages I see.Advantages of international schools
- High academic results achieved with a very close work between the teacher and the students…1989
To beadmitted to a good schools abroad, the student has to pass entrance tests (usually language and math) and to enter last 2 years of high school — tests at subjects that student's going to study.In addition the school requires to an interview with the student. For admission to British schools or schools in remote countries overseas interview is conducted by Skype. For admission to almost all the schools of the continent (especially European ones) — student is asked to come to school for tests and interviews.But even if a school visit is…1523
Spanish newspaper El Mundo is already the 17th time published рейтинг100 best colleges of Spain. Each year, the newspaper analiziruetsya thousands of private and Charter schools in Spain.The analysis is из27 certain criteria and определяет100 the best schools in accordance with them. Among these criteria, loyalty index, the model quality, enrolment in education, languages, etc. In addition to a selection of 100 top schools, the magazine publishes a list of 30 schools are considered "great", despite the fact that are not included in the first hundred positions, they reach…
Private schools abroad
Everyone knows that there are state and private schools in every country. In most countries the level of education received in public schools not less and sometimes even higher than in private. So why even consider secondary education in private schools if the word itself implies that such training is always paid?First of all education in a private school is a matter of prestige. I don't mean that you are going to tell everyone you know that your child is in private school abroad (although there is much to tell). By prestige I mean the circle that you…1311
Admission to a school with help of educational agency
The most difficult moment in dealing with foreign schools is making a choice of right one, which fits your goals and planed budget.1. When is the best time to enroll to schools abroad For this question, there is a rhetorical answer: the sooner the better. In fact, even in the highest rated schools you can find a place in April-May. However, it's only if you're lucky and they did not complete the class in your age group. Many schools say that the application should be made in October-November. In my…1712
Quite often, looking at the webpage of a new school abroad, I find that the school belongs to international network Round Square. It is always shown as a distinguish feacherI tried to understand this concept in more details.
What is Round Square?
Round Square is a network of 150 innovative schools in 40 countries on five continents. This comcept is based on experimental approach that helps to prepare a nation of developed, conscious, responsible, principled and confident global citizens.Schools that belong to Round Square organization have the advantage of a mutual…1444
SSAT test for admission to schools of North America
Are you dreaming of studying at one of the prestigious US universities? Even the legendary Harvard or Princeton is quite real to get! To do this, you need to pass a standardized test for admission to US universities, which assesses the general level of knowledge of the applicant, the so-called Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT).The success of the test depends on the quality of the preparation. The mathematical part of the assignment can be given easier than the written one.What is the structure of the SAT exam?
How to choose a secondary school abroad
Choosing the right school that suits your child is a difficult and the most responsible moment in the admissions process. After all, it is because the comfortable life of the child at school depends directly on its zainteresovannosti and high results in sports and other nonacademic subjects. This is especially true of boarding schools, where children spend all of their time and the school becomes their family.Of course you can get good recommendations from the Agency, from other parents, whose children study in the school. But what suits…1111