Where to study in a private school in Cambridge?
During a conference for international education ALPHE in London, I met with a representative of the private school Cambridge CCSS (Cambridge Centre for Sixth-form Studies) Gregory Horobin. Over the 35-year history, the school achieved very high results, - in 2015, 15 high school graduates were enrolled in Cambridge and Oxford University. Gregory Horobin agreed to give me an interview so that our readers know what influences such high school results.L: Gregory, tell us who studies in school and about the programs…1417
One of the most successful IB schools in Canada.
Glenlyon Norfolk School is one of the most interesting private schools that I met at the Alphe Secondary Focus conference on secondary education in Frankfurt in October 2015. The school is located on Victoria Island, British Columbia, Canada. Interestingly, other British Columbia high school representatives who attended this conference spoke of Glenlyon Norfolk with great reverence, mentioning that of course, Glenlyon Norfolk is an Ivy League-level school (of course, by this they meant that graduates of the school are applying for…824
In August 2015 a well-known international school in the province of Ontario. Canada, Columbia International College opened a new purpose-built building for school students who need assistance in learning the English language.Program academic preparation ESL school, Columbia offers its students studying English at five levels from elementaryBeginners (ESLAO)to advancedAdvanced (ESLEO).Participating in the program, students learn to properly and effectively communicate and develop all aspects of language: reading, writing, speaking and listening.
One of the best IB schools located in Scotland!
Visit Scotland schools
I went on a tour of Scotland's boarding schools in early November as part of a group of international agents organized for the British Boarding Schools Workshop conference attendees. In November, it was already cold in Scotland, I was unaccustomed to freezing in a warm cashmere coat, while in every school children walked around the campus in thin jackets.We were brought to the old university town of St Andrews, where the St Leonards school is located, in the late afternoon. The hotel was…1165
The results of A-levelSt Mary's School, Cambridge, 2015.
School for girls St Mary's School, Cambridge celebrates another great results of their graduates. At the national level, girls usually don't show very high results. But in our school, which is the only all-girls school, in the County of Cambridgeshire, high graduates results show how successful that separate education students.Computerization of the A-level — a new initiative this year, allowed us to see 100% results of students who received grades of a/A* this year.The percentage of students who receiveda/A*in…2498
The results of the class of 2015 again podnimaetsya in the leaderboardsThe Royal Hospital Schoolis pleased to announce that the class of 2015 has achieved a100% passthscoreandexamsat A-Level. Thus much increased the number of students who received scoresof a/A* (a third ofall gradeswerea/A* and the overall percentageof A*-Cin 2015 reached80%)Some details:A/a* scorethis year forchemistry— 55%,biology and physicse — 50%, compared to the overall average score in the country — 26% (Tsyfra, 2014).Departmentsandiskusstvandmathematicianand, historyand,…
How to study in an American school in Paris
Not many French schools know how to work with international students. Moreover, it is difficult to find a school where teaching is also handled in English.Therefore, a visit to Notre-Dame International High School, an American school located half an hour from the center of Paris, has long been on my list of trips.Visiting Notre-Dame International
The most convenient way to get from the center of Paris to school is by regional train. It takes 35 minutes from Gare St Lazare to Vernouillet Verneuil, where the school…2412
Sutton Park is one of the few schools where I would recommend international students to live with a host family rather than residency. Since the school is located in the exclusive residential area of Saton Park (a small isthmus that separates mainland Dublin from the Howes Peninsula), the few international students of the school have an amazing opportunity to live in prestigious houses located on the seashore, in families that cooperate with this particular school.(I wrote this article a couple of years ago. Since the fall of 2016, the school has closed the residence and all foreign…
With both students we waited for the school's decision on those Russian-speaking students who entered earlier this year and came to the open day on March 10 to take entrance tests and interviews at Salem. At the same time, I knew that it was already very tense with places in the 10th grade, enrollment on a straight line at IB was more likely since there are always more places at IB.A week after March 10th, I called the admissions office to see if there were any vacancies for our two students based on the results of the last Open House at Salem. Much to my delight, both of my…
Härlen campus - Salem school.
Härlen is Salem's most modern campus, home to graduate students. Every student of the school dreams of getting into the Härlen campus, since, to the great regret of students, the campus does not accommodate all students.The two Salem International College campuses are located on the shores of Lake Constance in the town of Uberlingen, 5-7 minutes walk from each other.The Spetzgart Castle campus is intended for grade 11 students.When moving to grade 12, students change campus to Härlen.However,…2540
Life at Middle School Schloss Salem through the eyes of a student.
Meeting with a 10th grade student of the international Salem program Alexander from Kyiv helped me to understand better the life of international students. Sasha showed me the territory of the school, and we talked for a very long time about how was his addmission process, how the training proceeds, the daily routine, the peculiarity of lessons and extracurricular activities. Sasha is in school for the first year, but he has completely merged into the life and education system of Salem.Below is a detailed…2388
The best IB school in Austria!
St Gilgen International School is a young school that is developing rapidly and successfully thanks to the favorable position and competent educational approach. The school was opened in 2008. Today it's a small school with personal approach to each of 180 students. In the future, there is plan to increase the number of students to 250. The founder of St Gilgen International School is an architect from Vienna Alexander Serda, who saw the prospect of an international school in the resort village of St. Gilgen on the lake Wolfgangsee. He…4704
Sasha came to Geneva from Kyiv and has been studying at the Institut auf dem Rosenberg for the third year. This year he is finishing school on the British A-level program. Alexander has applied to several universities in the UK and is awaiting the results of preliminary enrollment. Sasha agreed to answer interview questions for readers of my blog and this is what he said.S: I came to this school because my parents chose schools only in Switzerland and Institut auf dem Rosenberg is the most famous school. To be honest, before entering, my family knew little about studying in foreign…
Sonya studies at school Rosenberg second year and this year finishes school. In Kyiv, Sonia studied untill grade 11 and enrolled at the Institute auf dem Rosenberg for the last 2 years of the American program. Sonya has excellent English and she preferred to give an interview in English, to show all families interested in school how much written and spoken language can develop if it is taught.Larysa: Tell me, why did you choose this school?Sonya: I made my decision from 5 different schools that are located in Europe and in the UnitedStates. But the Institut auf dem Rosenberg has…
During a visit to the school of Monte Rosa, Montreux, Switzerland, I talked with international students and they all answered the questions of my interview. Interview in English, because the girls were from Argentina, Switzerland and Saudi Arabia. Published in the original.my interlocutors:Samira, 18, Switzerland;Tala, 17, Saudi Arabia;Lara, 17, ArgentinaLarysa:Why did you choose to study at this school. what it is like to be here.Samira, 18, Switzerland:I chose this school because it has a limited number of interns, which makes the leaning process muchmore individual. The team is…
To advise this school for academic study before attending, I, frankly, was afraid. What kind of school can it be if no more than 70 people study there from the first to the last grades? At the same time, we regularly send children to Monte Rosa for vacation programs, and everyone is very happy.When I finally visited this school last week, I was very pleasantly surprised. I really liked the school!Of course, this school is not suitable for every family. If you are looking for a school where children are motivated to learn and achieve high results through hard work, then Switzerland…
Alice is a 12th grade graduate student at the American Hebrew Academy. This semester, she devotes a lot of time to her admission to the university. Her application has already been approved by one of the Boston universities, where she dreamed of going. Alice is still waiting for answers from the rest of the American universities to which she applied, but most likely she will study in Boston.Here's what Alice shared about her experience at the American Hebrew Academy.It all happened very spontaneously. My friend Ira came to Moscow for the winter holidays from the American…
Interview with a student at the American Hebrew Academy
The American Hebrew Academy in Greensboro (North Carolina) is the only international Jewish boarding school.The Academy gathered talented students from 28 States and 31 countries, creating a unique academic environment.I met the school Director Glenn Drew at the conference on international education in Berlin. In half an hour of conversation, he completely convinced me that this school gives children an excellent education and forms conscious members of society.After learning that Glen will soon be in Kyiv, I came…2069
During my last European tour to boarding schools, I visited Salzburg. Small international school American International School Salzburg located a ten-minute drive from the city center. The school campus is not impressive. It is a four-story building, first floor of which occupy the school and dining room, the rest of the buildings is given for the student dorms. There is one more one-store building on the grounds, which has science labs and classrooms. There are some playing fields and that is all of the campus.The school has about 100 students, 20 of them are day students: some…
High school in Geneva, Switzerland
While visiting the school I was able to interview Christina from Kyiv, who has been studying at College du Leman for three years and graduates from the AP (American Program) program next year.Here's what Kristina shared about her school experience:L: How did it all start for you, why this school?K: I was 15 years old when I came to study at Collège du Léman. My parents decided to send me to study in Switzerland because this school is one of the top and the most promising for my future. This is my third year in…1597
International School of Geneva
I am on the road again, this time I visit private schools in Europe offering international and Anglo-American programs: IB, American High School Diploma (Advanced Placement), A-level. In the morning I have an appointment to visit the international school College du Leman, located on the outskirts of Geneva, which offers training in three systems: Anglo-American, Swiss and French.Also, this school is very popular for vacation summer programs, since it works all July and August - which is very rare for summer camps based in private schools in…1691
The importance of religion in Irish schools
A visit to Kings Hospital school convinced me once again that Irish schools are not inferior to British ones either in terms of education and results, or in terms of school territory and infrastructure, or in the mood and feeling of joy from the work done by the students themselves.Kings Hospital is owned by the Church of Ireland. In fact, this means that the church maintains the school and appoints a board of directors to manage the school. In addition, the Irish are very keen on their traditions and respect for religion. In…960
The opinion of a student about Alexanders College.
As I wrote earlier, our students all love the short English programs at Alexanders College.Our constant student Vika shares her impressions of the program. Vika attends various language camps every year. Vika went to Alexanders 2 years ago, when she was 14 years old. After that, she was in an international language camp in Toronto, as well as an A-level preparation program in England. All schools were carefully selected for her English and further academic studies, but she always remembered Alexanders with regret, since in no…1628
A trip to Caxton College, Valencia
Polina's story about her experience at Caxton College impressed me so much that I decided to visit the school to feel the atmosphere myself. I made an appointment for Friday morning. Today is the end of January and the weather is very typical for Valencia. During the day, the air warms up to 20, at night about 10. It is very sunny and windy.Today the wind is just stormy, the highway from Valencia to Pusol runs along the sea and I can hardly keep the car on the track. It takes 20 minutes to get from the center of Valencia, so many…2460
We have been working with Columbia International College located in Hamilton (Canada) for over 15 years. Many of our students have already graduated not only from school but also from universities, many of them have made a successful career in Canada.During this time, we have developed cooperation with dozens of excellent Canadian schools, both boarding schools, and daytime ones. Many of our students entered and graduated from Canadian schools throughout the country: from New Scotia to Victoria. But the popularity of Columbia International College surprises even seasoned…
British school in Spain
A very detailed interview with a high school student Polina, who has studied at the British school Caxton College for four years.The private British school in Valencia, Caxton College, is one of the most prestigious schools in Spain, offering its students bilingual education: in addition to studying according to the British system (a wide range of subjects under the International GCSE program), all students must study the Spanish language and culture of Spain. Students who successfully pass the IGCSE exams can continue their studies in either the…1230
Trip вAlexanders College
For many years we have sent students on short English programmesare вAlexanders College. Always get rave reviews. We know чтоAlexanders College is a secondary school which offers year-round programs of training in English, academic English and academic программыGCSE and, 2014,- A-level. So why do none of our students who from year to year returned to language programs вAlexanders College, did not apply to academic programs?To deal with this, I joined a tour of the schools-pensions South East of England, among whom were…1230
Military Academy of The Royal Hospital, United Kingdom
It was always interesting for me to see what a military high school is. Therefore, the opportunity to visit The Royal Hospital Naval Academy formed the basis of my next tour of the UK schools.How is an academy different from a regular high school?
Military training: compulsory for all students, with the exception of graduation classes.Training specialization: military land forces, aviation, marines. Compulsory participation in summer military camps.Sailing: All 7th-grade students are required to learn…1903